[BOOK|PDF] Die Zombie Die! Prop
Dating > Die Zombie Die! Prop
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Dating > Die Zombie Die! Prop
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As an option, many customers will purchase both sizes and return the one that doesn't fit. While this information is assumed to be accurate, we can not be responsible for variations or inaccuracies in the information provided to us. So you may order by size on the website and then once you receive the costume it shows ages on the package instead of sizes.
It's always easier to take-in, hem or otherwise adjust an item that is too big or too long than one that is too small or too short. If you need more information or details about a particular item than what you see online, we strongly suggest you not purchase that item and instead, make another selection. So while the sizing information provided by the manufacturer is generally accurate for the measurements indicated, a seasonal costume will rarely fit every person as if it were tailor made for that person.
Zombies - With our huge selection of zombie props and decorations, you'll most certainly find what you need to complete your zombie horde.
Zombies Everyone should have several really freaky zombies Die Zombie Die! Prop their house to scare the daylights out of Halloween guests! With our huge selection of zombie props and decorations, you'll most certainly find what you need to complete your zombie horde. These soulless beings have no brain, but they definitely want yours! Zombie decorations, Skeleton Zombie, Zombie Fountain and Zombie Chaser! Zombies are one of the few Halloween monsters that can't trace its legacy back to Europe somewhere. The legend of zombies actually started in Haiti, where voodoo was practiced. Practitioners of the voodoo religion believe that a special kind of voodoo magician can bring a newly deceased person back to life. Once restored to life, however, the person is no longer even a shadow of their former self. The person is now what is known as a zombie. A zombie is a brainless, unaware being that although they can walk and respond to stimuli, they seemingly have no soul. Believers in voodoo have been known to watch over and guard the bodies of the newly departed to prevent them from being turned into zombies. Once brought back to life, zombies seem to have only one mission - to satisfy an intense craving for human flesh, their favorite part being, of course, brains.